Beware. All Hallow’s Eve is upon us once again. What started as a somber religious holiday has largely morphed into a secular blowout that provides an annual bump […]
Open Enrollment, a time to apply for new health insurance coverage or make changes to existing plans through federal and state government programs, is fast approaching. Each year, […]
Even if you haven’t seen the movies, Star Wars has some pretty famous lines that have become staples in popular culture. In addition to being deep and philosophical, […]
Speed dating allows people to compare many options quickly, so we gathered some “suitors” to do the same with call center locations. Each country has its charms, but […]
As we enter a new year, Outsource Consultants Founder & President Corey Kotlarz shares his thoughts on the state of the call center industry. Looking back on 2021, […]
Guess what? Some content is not king. In fact, lots of content is hurting your brand. That’s why content moderation has been in the news a lot lately—look […]
As a child, did you have a trick-or-treating strategy to maximize both the quality and quantity of your candy haul? Of course you did; when something is important, […]
Is the time for talk dead? There’s a healthy debate rolling across businesses that rely on BPO services: what’s the right contact center balance between voice and non-voice […]
There are two types of business leaders as Q4 approaches — those that are sweating the possibility of high volume activity in Q4 and those looking forward to […]