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BPO Rate Hikes on the Table? Here’s How to Respond | BPO Health Check

What is the ‘BPO Health Check’ Series?

We understand that the world of BPO partnerships isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. There are challenges, hurdles, and those inevitable tough conversations. That’s why we’ve created the ‘BPO Health Check’ series – a deep dive into the real issues clients and BPOs face.

We’ll be pulling back the curtain on those often-avoided topics, bringing you candid conversations, expert insights, and practical advice. From navigating missed KPIs to overcoming operational roadblocks, we aim to provide the tailored guidance you need to transform challenges into opportunities. Get ready for some straight talk and actionable solutions.

The Importance of Addressing Rate Increases with BPO Partners

Rate increases are an unfortunate reality of doing business. When dealing with Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) partners, it’s crucial to approach these adjustments with care. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater by hastily severing a valuable partnership can be detrimental. Instead, let’s explore strategies to navigate this challenge effectively.

Rate increases often coincide with periods of economic growth, inflation, or increased operational costs for the BPO provider. Additionally, contract renewals can be a trigger for rate adjustments. While it’s essential to be vigilant, remember that not all rate increases are unjustified.

Several indicators can signal a potential rate increase. These include:

  • Industry-wide cost fluctuations: Increases in labor, energy, or material costs can impact the entire industry.
  • Economic indicators: Rising inflation rates or GDP growth often correlate with increased operational expenses.
  • Contractual terms: Review your contract for clauses related to rate adjustments, such as those tied to specific performance metrics or market indices.

Typically, BPO providers offer a notice period before implementing rate increases. This can vary from a few weeks to several months. It’s essential to carefully review your contract to understand the specific terms.

The time allotted for clients to comply or find a new partner is also outlined in the contract. However, negotiating an extended time frame might be possible, especially if you have a long-standing relationship with the BPO provider.

In this blog, we’ll provide actionable steps to help you maintain strong partnerships while effectively managing costs in the face of rate increases.

1. Preparation: Laying the Groundwork

Before engaging in rate increase discussions, thorough preparation is essential. The first step is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the proposed rate increase’s cost-benefit impact on your business. This involves carefully evaluating the potential financial implications and weighing them against the value the BPO partner brings to your operations.

Equally important is gathering data on current market rates for similar services. This benchmarking exercise will provide valuable insights into industry standards and help you assess the reasonableness of the proposed increase.

Questions You Should Be Asking:

  • How have you prepared for rate increase discussions in the past?
  • What data sources do you find most reliable for benchmarking market rates?

How to Calculate Your BPOs Impact

To guide discussions on BPO rate increases, here are two quick formulas to help assess the impact your BPO provides, factoring in variables influencing these rates.

These formulas serve as basic frameworks (not robust analyses) to understand your current BPO relationships. Each situation is unique, so these should simply be a contextual starting point for further discussion, not a final verdict.

Formula One: Calculate Net Value:

Evaluate all BPO benefits, both tangible (like service quality; key metrics) and intangible (peace of mind that comes with strong partnerships). Then, factor in the costs due to the rate increase and expected usage.

Formula One

Purpose: This helps you decide if the benefits outweigh the added cost.

  • Positive Net Value: If the value exceeds the cost, the rate increase might be justified. Some increases are due to universal macroeconomic factors, while others result from a BPO’s investment in technology, like AI, which offers enhanced CX that may not be captured in simple KPIs.
  • Negative Net Value: If costs outweigh the benefits, consider negotiating or consider a new partnership. But also account for hard-to-quantify factors that contribute to long-term success, like deep business understanding, agent quality, retention, and tech innovation.
Formula Two: Rate Comparison Benchmark:

Divide the proposed rate by the average market rate for similar services. Establishing average rates for your region, agent count, and competitors is crucial. Outsource Consultants offers this analysis for free to help you gauge how the proposed rate compares to industry standards.

Formula Two

Purpose: Understand how the proposed rate aligns with industry norms.

  • Rate close to 1: The rate is fair and typical. If satisfied with the BPO’s net value and relationship trajectory, you can be confident in the partnership.
  • Rate significantly above 1: The rate is higher than average. Consider whether you’re paying for superior service or overpaying for subpar CX. If the latter, consider renegotiating.
  • Rate significantly below 1: The rate is lower than average. If the BPO’s net value is high and they’re investing in CX technology, you have a strong partner. However, ensure cost savings aren’t compromising innovation.

Note: Accurate pricing resources are essential. Outsource Consultants provides a free BPO Pricing Guide to assist in your comparison.

2. Transparency: Building Trust with Your BPO Partner

Open communication is essential for a successful BPO partnership. This is especially true when discussing rate increases. To build trust and ensure that additional investments yield tangible benefits, it’s crucial to understand the reasons behind the increase.

Seek clear explanations for rate increases. These can stem from genuine cost hikes, investments in technology or personnel, or strategic business decisions. It’s important to differentiate between rate increases that are artificially inflated for profit and those necessary to cover rising operational costs. Ideally, the increase should fund improvements and expansions that directly benefit your program.


  • What methods do you use to ensure transparency in these conversations?
  • How does rate increase agent pay, facility, technology for my program?
  • What are the improvements I can expect to see from this increase?
  • Can you share an example of when open communication led to a successful negotiation?

3. Negotiation: Finding Common Ground

Once you’ve established a clear understanding of the rate increase, it’s time to negotiate. While cost control is crucial, it’s essential to balance this with maintaining service quality. Consider exploring alternative rate options such as phased increases or the inclusion of additional value-added services.


  • What negotiation tactics have been most effective for you in the past?
  • How do you balance the need for cost control with maintaining service quality?

4. Alignment: A Shared Vision for Success

A successful BPO partnership hinges on shared goals and expectations. Both parties must be aligned on service quality standards, KPIs, and long-term partnership objectives.


  • How do you ensure alignment of expectations with your BPO partners?
  • What strategies do you use to maintain long-term partnership goals?

5. Tactical Moves: Maximizing Your Negotiation Power

To strengthen your negotiation position, consider these strategic approaches:


Conduct thorough market research to benchmark your BPO partner’s rates against industry standards. This data-driven approach provides a solid foundation for your negotiations.


  • Which industry benchmarks do you rely on for rate increase discussions?

Value Assessment

Identify the unique value your BPO partner brings to your organization. Clearly articulate these value propositions during negotiations to justify potential increases.


  • How should clients assess the unique value provided by your BPO partner?

Incremental Adjustments

Instead of large, sudden rate hikes, consider proposing gradual increases tied to measurable performance improvements or efficiency gains. This approach fosters a collaborative partnership.


  • What incremental adjustments (if any) have worked well for you in the past?

Long-Term Contracts

Negotiating longer-term contracts with fixed rates can provide stability and predictability. However, ensure the terms are mutually beneficial.


  • How have you structured long-term contracts to benefit both parties?

By employing these tactical moves, you can strengthen your negotiation position and achieve a more favorable outcome for your organization.

6. If All Else Fails: When to Move On

Despite your best efforts and a genuine desire to maintain a strong partnership, there may come a time when parting ways with your BPO is necessary. While plain economics often dictate this decision, there are other factors to consider.


  • What other conditions might signal it’s time for a client to move on?

When faced with the difficult decision to end a BPO relationship, it’s essential to transition smoothly and efficiently. Outsource Consultants can be invaluable in this process, not only in finding a new partner but also in managing the complexities of the transition.

By carefully evaluating your partnership and being prepared to move on if necessary, you can protect your organization’s interests and ensure continued success.

Ready, Set…Go!

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and leveraging the support of experienced partners, you can effectively manage rate increases and build lasting, successful BPO relationships.

Navigating rate increases with your BPO partner can be a complex challenge, but with careful preparation, open communication, and strategic negotiation, it’s possible to transform these discussions into opportunities for mutual growth. By fostering transparency, aligning expectations, and understanding the value your BPO brings, you can build a stronger partnership and achieve optimal outcomes.

Remember, a well-prepared approach is essential. Benchmarking industry standards, assessing your BPO’s unique value, and exploring alternative rate structures can significantly strengthen your negotiation position. However, it’s crucial to recognize when a partnership may no longer be viable and be prepared to make a change.

If you’re seeking a new BPO partner that aligns with your business goals and budget, consider partnering with Outsource Consultants for call center selection. Our expertise can help you find the right fit and negotiate favorable terms. Book a strategy call today!